Monday, March 12, 2012

WIP #10: Bold

When I popped in to my nearby White  House Black Market boutique last week, I instantly fell in love with not just their latest arrival fashions ... but also their marketing campaign.  What a great sentiment that applies, and NOT just to our choice of jacket or dress!  And yes, I left with a new belt and a cute jacket if you must know! :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

WIP #9: An Apple a Day

I am well overdue for a necessary technology refresh.  That's a fact.  I've been a hold out on the Apple revolution for the most part.  Sure, I have a small army of ipods, an ipad and an itouch ... but up until last week I just couldn't fathom quitting my Blackberry addiction and I'm convinced my brain is hard wired to the Windows operating platform. 

Then, the realization hit.  My job is to strategize, evangelize and manage all things "cool" and new technology.  Mobility, customer feedback, social media ... you name it.  If there is a buzzword in b2b technology trends, I'm working on it.  It's awesome but at the same time not optimized unless I have all the appropriate gear. 

A trip to the Apple store later and I'm the proud owner of a tricked out iphone 4s and new Mac Book Air.  In a shocking pursuit to be cool fast, I gave up the Blackberry cold turkey.  Even more shocking ... I couldn't have adjusted faster or easier.  I suppose my operating system can in fact be re-programmed after all.....

I'm a convert and now, I think different.