Monday, February 27, 2012

WIP #8: Blue Ocean

I love this picture.  I spent the week in Puerto Rico for work.  While the days were full of long meetings, prep and hard work ... it's hard not to feel at peace when you look at a scene like this.  It felt surreal to sit and work on strategy for new software applications that are truly industry game changers and stare out over the beautiful blue ocean.  As a business book junkie, Kim's Blue Ocean Strategy has been a long time favorite.  Don't compete in the harsh red oceans ... expand into the unknown, unlimited blue oceans.  Perfect scenery, perfect strategy.

Friday, February 17, 2012

WIP #7: Believe

She believed she could so she did.

I became familiar with this saying some time back and now hold this phrase as a guiding principle for my life.  It is my screen saver, my wallpaper, my positive energy in tough times and now my personal mantra.  I believe in empowering women to reach their highest potential and have made this my personal mission to pass this message of optimism forward to others. 

In the past few months; I …

·         Believed I could be the youngest member of my company’s leadership team; and I did.

·         Believed I could be one of the ONLY 10% of women on the leadership team; and I did.

·         Believed I could start a family while balancing a very challenging career as a leader of a hospitality technology business; and I did.

·         Believed I could start a small business to give back to children’s charities; and I did.

·         Believed I could start a blog devoted to inspiring working mothers to keep balance and achieve amazing things at home and at work; and I did.

·         Believed I could personally mentor women in my company to reach their career goals; and I am!

As a women leader in a male dominated technology industry serving the male dominated hospitality industry, I feel a special calling to facilitate mentoring other women to reach their highest potential.  It is my esteemed pleasure to be personally mentoring five women in my company and giving them a safe environment to grow and develop their skills.  The fact that I am most proud of is that each of these women took the initiative to seek me out and ask me to mentor them in a variety of ways.  While humbly, I believe that speaks to the value they see in my personal mission; it also speaks volumes to the amazing women that surround me that I have the great opportunity to influence. 

Through blogging and the help of a (woman) writing coach assisting me in crafting the concept for a book, I am hopeful to grow this passion into a motivational message for even more women.  I love the challenge put before me to be a real life Wonder Woman at home and in the boardroom.  My goal is to prove that it is indeed possible to achieve balance and have a growing family as well as a rewarding career.  By documenting my journey, my hope is to inspire other young women starting families to understand that it is truly possible to “do it all” and empower them to stay the course and succeed in all areas.

To get more women in the boardroom, we cannot let them quit the course before they get there.

My passion is this mission.

WIP #6: A Wild Ride

The days are long but the years are short. 

At only 7 months with our sweet little babe, Beckham, I can already attest to the truth of that statement.  This past weekend, we purchased a new "big boy" car seat and enough baby gates to create a fortress.  Daily, he amazes me with a new discovery in our big world and I love every minute of our adventure together.  It's wild to see how far he's progressed in just 7 months.  And in a bitter sweet way, I know this is only the beginning.  I'm sure the phrase "I wish he would stay this age forever" will be words coming from my mouth a million times.  It's an incredible ride (pun intended given the picture) and I can't wait to see where we go next!


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

WIP #5 - Top of the World

The past few days have been spent taking a much deserved break from the daily grind and vacationing in Beaver Creek, CO.  With 6 co-workers and friends as well as dear hubs in tow, we enjoyed a fun filled time together.  One of the (many) highlights of the trip was a snowmobiling excursion in a National Park along the Continental Divide.  What a breath taking view.  Truly beautiful. 

Sometimes it takes looking out from a snow covered mountaintop to find your moment of zen. 

Week In Pictures #4: The Shipping Manager

What do you do when you are six months pregnant with your first baby, working full time in a leadership position that requires extensive travel AND trying to figure out new world order for your expanded family?  Ah yes, of course ... you decide to try your hand at small business! 

Last summer, just before the babe's arrival, I decided it was time to quit talking and start doing.  And with that, I started Charmed Life Kids.  A small boutique business focused online for children's high end apparel at affordable prices.  I incorporated, designed, manufactured ... you name it.  I'm fairly confident most of this process was just simply to learn "how to do it" but it has been fun along the way.  I definitely have a new respect and understanding of aspects of business I did not before.  It's been worth every minute of thought I've given it.

With that, fast forward a few months.  Now the babe is here, I'm still travelling like crazy and working like a dog but still ... I'm enjoying every minute of it.  Sure, sometimes I have to call in for re-enforcements and that's when the babe becomes my "shipping and warehouse manager".  We spend a few minutes each night packaging up the daily sales and getting them ready for shipment.  Business is going well and I feel very blessed to wish that I just had more hours in the day to devote to the "side business.

I wonder if my shipping manager will one day have this on his little resume?  How cute is he!!!